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Other Services We provide various services for our customers... More...
Exchange Rate Feed Over Reuters RET_AD is the source to receive live feed of exchange... More...
Online DGFT payment DGFT is a Government organization in India responsible... More...
ECGC Cover Union Bank has tied up with Export Credit Guarantee... More...

Anti Money Laundering :

Financial Institutions Questionaire
Certification Under USA Patriot Act

image  Treasury

State of the art Union Bank of India is having a State of the Art Treasury... More...

Products & Services :

Forward Contract It is a contract between the bank and its customers... More...
Forward Rate Agreements An FRA is an agreement between the Bank and a Customer... More...
Interest Rate Swaps It is a financial transaction in which two counterparties... More...
Currency Futures Currency futures are standardized, exchange-traded.... More...
Currency Swaps It is an agreement between two parties to exchange.. More...
Options It is a contract between the bank and its customers... More...
Primary Dealer Union Bank of India also works as a bank cum Primary Dealer... More...

Gold :

Union Bullion As per RBI guidelines, the precious metals Gold... More...
Gold Forward The borrowers can hedge their Gold exposures... More...

image  FAQ

FAQ The Reserve Bank of India had announced a Liberalized... More...