ATM DEBIT CARDS using long code 09223008486
To Block ATM Debit Card
UBLOCK<space>Last four digit of debit card Number (e.g. UBLOCK<space>1234 sent to 09223008486 )
BANKING INFORMATION using long code 09223008486
Balance Enquiry
Primary account balance : UBAL (e.g. UBAL sent to 09223008486) Other account balance : UBAL<space>Account number (e.g. UBAL<space>566802071234567 sent to 09223008486)
Mini Statement
Primary account statement : UMNS (e.g. UMNS sent to 09223008486) Other account statement : UMNS<space>Account number (e.g. UMNS<space>566802071234567 sent to 09223008486)
Cheque status
If cheque is from Primary account: UCSR<space>cheque number (e.g. UCSR 51236985 sent to 09223008486) If cheque is of other account: UCSR <space> cheque number<space>Account number (e.g. UCSR<space>51236985 566802071234567 sent to09223008486)
Door Step Banking
UDSB (e.g. UDSB sent to 09223008486)
Know the nearest branch
UBRANCH<space>PinCode<space>Location/city (e.g. UBRANCH<space>400076<space>Powai sent to 09223008486)
Know the nearest ATM
UATM<space>PinCode<space>Location/city (e.g. UATM<space>400076<space>Powai sent to 09223008486)
Aadhaar ID seeding using long code 09223008486
Aadhaar number seeding
UID<space>AccountNumber<space>Aadhaar Number (e.g. UID<space>566802071234567<space>234567891234 sent to09223008486)
Balance on Missed Call Service on 09223008586
Missed Call Service
Customers can get their primary account balance by giving Missed call to 09223008586.
1. Who can avail this facility? All customers of Bank having Savings & Current A/c may avail this facility.
2. How do I register for the facility? Presently, the registration is available on filling up a form and its submission at your branch. The form is available on our website, at branches and also ATM outlets.
3. Can I have more than 2 accounts linked for the facility? All accounts of a given Customer (same Customer ID) can be linked to this facility
4. For alerts on loans and deposits, do I have to register these accounts? No. The customer ID related to your primary account will have loans and deposit accounts linked to it. You will get alerts linked to all such accounts.
5. What is the benefit to me from SMS Banking? You get alerts on transactions at branch, through ATM/Online portals/ Point of Sale (PoS) machines or e-banking immediately as they happens. This enables you to know about any unauthorized transaction to your account. Besides, you can also pull balances, mini statement, block ATM card, Locate Branch/ATM and cheque status any time you want.
6. Can I use my existing mobile phone to receive alert messages? Yes. All types of mobile phones can be used to receive alert messages
7. Do I incur any expenditure when I do a balance/transaction /cheque status enquiry? Yes. The normal tariffs of mobile service operators apply to you when you do a pull transaction.
8. Are there any charges from Bank? SMS charges @ Rs.0.25+GST per SMS for Domestic SMS and Rs.1.20+GST per SMS for International SMS
9. Can I change my mobile Number and still continue to avail the service? Yes, You have to inform the new mobile Number to your branch.
10. What if my account is a Joint account? In the case of Joint accounts, all the joint customers need to sign in the application form
11. Can I terminate this service? Yes. You can terminate this service by giving an application to the branch