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Scheme Guidelines



To finance contractors e.g. (Construction Contractors/Electrical Contractors/ Mining/ Railway Contractors /Labour Contractors for supply of Manpower for construction activity).



All Construction Contractors / Electricals Contractors/ Mining / Railway Contractors/Labour Contractor for supply of manpower for Construction activity eligible to be classified as MSME with a valid UDYAM Registration Number / Udyam Registration Certificate.

  • a. MSME units irrespective of constitution i.e. Individuals, Proprietorship, Partnership Concern (including LLP), Limited Companies having all the necessary statutory licenses / NOCs.




  • Term Loan and/or Working Capital (Fund Based and Non-Fund Based)


  • Working Capital facility in the form of secured Overdraft (OD) can also be extended to the Contractors.



  • Min: Above Rs.10 Lakh
  • Max: Rs.50 Crs. 



For WC facility (Fund Based / Non-Fund Based): As per norms prescribed in the Loan Policy. Assessment for Overdraft facility is to be made through Cash Budget Method.

For TL facility: As per norms prescribed in Loan Policy of the Bank.




FBWC: 20 % on stock & 30 % on book debts (up to 90 days). 40 % on book debts above 90 days and up to 180 days.

NFBWC: 10 % Cash Margin

Term Loan: P&M (15%) & Land/Building/Others (35%)



Primary: All assets created out of Bank’s finance shall be charged in favour of Bank by way of Hypothecation/ Mortgage etc.

Collateral Coverage :

a) Collateral security by way of immovable properties (Land and Building) and / or other liquid assets like NSCs /KVPs/ Deposits/assignment of LIC policies/other Govt. Securities should be obtained for the accounts sanctioned under the Scheme. Minimum collateral coverage is to be maintained as detailed below


Cash Credit: 75 %

Overdraft Facility: 100 %

Term Loan: 50 %


b) In case of BG/ LC limit minimum collateral security of 50 % of the credit exposure is to be obtained.

• For more details , Please contact our nearest branch.