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Share Transfer System and Redressal of Investors' Grievances

The Bank ensures that all transfers of shares are duly effected within the period of one month from the date of their lodgement. The Bank has constituted the Share Transfer Committee of Board of Directors to consider the transfer of shares and other related matters.

Share Transfer and all other investors related activities are attended to and processed at the office of the Registrar & Share Transfer Agent, Datamatics Financial Services Ltd., Mumbai. The shareholders may lodge their transfer deeds and any other documents, grievances and complaints to the Registrar & Transfer Agent at the following address. The Bank also has established Investor Services Division at their Head Office, Mumbai. The shareholders may contact Investor Services Division for any of their complaints/grievances.

Registrar & Share Transfer Agent (RTA)

KFin Technologies Limited

Selenium Tower B, Plot 31 & 32
Financial District,
Hyderabad – 500032
Toll free: 1800 309 4001
E-mail : [email protected]
Website: www.kfintech.com

Company Secretary
Investor Services Division

Union Bank of India

12th Floor, Central Office,

239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg,Nariman Point, Mumbai-400 021

Tel-(022) 2289 6643/36
Fax-(022) 22025238
E-mail: investorservices[At the rate]unionbankofindia[Dot]bank

Lodgment of Shares for Transfer

While sending the shares for transfer, kindly ensure that the transfer deed is complete in all respects particularly the seller's signature, broker's stamp, SEBI registration/code no., payment of stamp duty and its cancellation.
Kindly ensure that the buyers and sellers have signed at appropriate places and the buyer's address is given in full including pin code and telephone/fax number/E-mail, if any.

Also ensure that the transferor has put his signature in full and that all the holder(s) of the share certificate have signed the transfer deed. Kindly ensure the signature of the transferor is duly witnessed.

If the transfer deed is signed by the constituted Attorney of transferor, kindly ensure that the registration number of the Power of Attorney registered with UNION BANK OF INDIA / REGISTRAR is mentioned on the reverse of the transfer deed. Otherwise, the transferor may be requested to have the Power of Attorney immediately registered with UNION BANK OF INDIA before approaching for transfer.

In case a transferee wishes to have the transfer deed signed by his constituted Attorney, kindly attach the necessary Power of Attorney duly notarised.
In case the purchaser is already having an existing folio number, please quote the same in the transfer deed to facilitate registration of new shares in the same folio number.

Sale and purchase of shares may be done through the registered share broker of recognised Stock Exchange.

SEBI has made it mandatory for securities market transactions and off-market/private transactions involving transfer of shares in physical form of listed companies,to furnish copy of PAN Card by transferee(s) to the company /RTAs for registration of such transfer of shares. Kindly ensure that all transfer deeds are accompanied by the copy of PAN Card.

