Unlimited ATM access at Union Bank of India ATMs
No charges on NEFT and SMS Banking
25% concession on 1st year locker rent
Free Personal Insurance & Air Accident Insurance
The RTGS option, frequently, has a cap on the number of transactions a user of the account can make in a given month. The maximum number of RTGS transactions per month that can be made without being charged are 2 per month.
The maximum amount you can store in a savings account is not governed by either banking regulations or income tax legislation.
People who keep a good balance in their accounts can open this kind of account.
The daily ATM cash withdrawal limit is Rs. 75000, and the daily ATM point-of-sale limit is Rs. 1.5 lakh
Yes, the account holder can avail concessions up to 50%
Yes, Rs. 150+ GST will be charged.