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Union Green Home

Union Home

Union Bank of India makes buying your dream home quicker and more convenient with easy finance at your fingertips. With Union Home, grab the keys to your dream home at attractive interest rates, minimum paperwork, and the trust of Union Bank of India.

You can also avail of our best housing loan right on our various digital platforms to ease up your home-buying journey. So enjoy your house hunting as the best home loan is right next to you.


Builder Tie-ups (Approved projects)

Union Bank of India  has entered into builder tie-ups/ approved housing projects at various locations. Now select properties from approved projects with Union Bank of India and get hassle free home loan.

Advantages of home loan under builder tie-ups/approved projects:
  • Quick processing and sanction.
  • Reduced burden of legal charges.
  • No need of interim security.

To get the list of tie-ups/approved projects click here

Union Smart Save

  • A housing loan will be sanctioned as per terms and conditions under Union Home; disbursements will be made in the housing loan account as per extant norms and the borrower will be required to pay regular EMI/EQIs every month/ quarter.
  • Any surplus amount deposited by the borrower over and above the scheduled repayments will be accepted in the account, as per current systems. Accordingly the outstanding in the housing loan account will be reduced resulting in a lower interest burden. However, unlike the normal housing loan, where excess payments made to the system are not available for withdrawal, under the Smart Save option, the excess amount deposited in the account i.e. overflow in the account, will be available for withdrawal
  • It is important to note that only the surplus/overflow i.e. amount which is more than the scheduled repayments will only be available for withdrawal
  • Thus we see that the outstanding in the housing loan account will be reduced when excess funds are deposited in the account and it will increase once again when these funds are withdrawn by the borrower, within permissible overflow above scheduled outstanding
  • All along the EMI payment in the housing loan will have to continue as per the normal schedule
  • At any point in time, the borrower will not be permitted to bring the outstanding under the housing loan below 10% of the scheduled outstanding.
  • However, in the case where the borrower wishes to close the account, credit of an amount equal to the total outstanding including interest will be permitted.

Union Rooftop solar

Home Loan Interest Rate

Home Loan Documents required

Owning a home is a lifelong dream for many, but the high costs involved can often make it seem unattainable. Fortunately, our home loan offers a simple and hassle-free solution to help you achieve your dream of owning a home. With our easy-to-apply process and competitive interest rates, you can get the funds you need to buy your dream home in no time!