What is Union e Banking?
You can access various services of Union Bank of India at anytime, anywhere and from any place provided you have access to an Internet Connection. With Union e-Banking, your bank travels with you everywhere. You have online, real time access for different services provided under a completely secure , using 128 bit to 256 bit encryption Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
Why Union e-Banking?
e-Banking opens up an entirely new way of doing your banking, anytime and from anywhere in the country 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Who can use Union e-Banking?
Union e-Banking is available to all the customers of Union Bank of India. Resident Customer holding accounts with a joint operating mandate can only view details on these accounts. They however will not be permitted to do all financial transactions on Internet Banking. However in case of joint accounts with operating mandate "Either or Survivor" both the holders can be allowed to view and transact
Disclaimer: Union Bank of India reserves the right to offer Union e-Banking to selected customers at its discretion and at such limited locations as may be specified by the Bank from time to time.
The Bank maintains the highest of standards as far as security technology is concerned, some of which are: 128 bit to 256 bit encryption - This is the highest level of security available for communication and transactions on the Internet. SSL encryption allows the Bank to encrypt information, so that when it travels through the internet, it is encrypted and cannot be accessed by anyone. SSL also ensures that information is sent to the correct place and that it is not tampered with.
What do I need to use the services?
You need a PC with minimum PII processor, 32 MB RAM with Internet Explorer 6.0 or above
What if I do not have a PC?
You can access Union e-Banking from any computer having Internet connectivity
Is it safe to login from a Cyber Cafe?
Yes, provided you do not disclose your passwords to anyone and logout properly. However, please ensure that you go through the Online Security guidelines on our site
How do I get access to Internet Banking Services?
You need to have an account at any of our branch. Then you need to register for the Internet Banking Services with the branch by filling the application form. However individual customers can now register themselves online through our "Self User Creation" and can re-generate passwords using "Forgot/Reset Password" links provided on our website www.unionbankonline.co.in.
I am a Non Resident Indian [NRI]. Can I get Internet Banking services ?
Yes, You can register for the Internet Banking services yourself online through our "Self User Creation" and can re-generate passwords using "Forgot/Reset Password" links provided on our website https://www.unionbankonline.co.in
What if I do not have an account with Union Bank of India?
We shall be glad to have your account with us. Walk into any of our branches, and our staff will assist you
How do I get User-Id and password for the Internet Banking Services?
User id details can be checked using Know Your user id option available on Internet Banking website post successful registration. Passwords can be set/Reset using "Forgot/Reset Password" links available on our website https://www.unionbankonline.co.in
I want to register for Internet Banking Services. What do I do?
Individual customers can register themselves online through our "Self User Creation" and can set/reset passwords using "Forgot/Reset Password" links provided on our website https://www.unionbankonline.co.in
Can I change the User Id and Password?
Yes. You can change your password and user id. We recommend to change the passwords frequently and do not disclose with anyone.
How to choose passwords?
The password cannot consist of all the characters as are in your Username. For e.g.If your Username is "Bob", then your password cannot be "Bobby".
Password should mandatorily contain at least a digit, letter and special character.
Spaces are not allowed in between Password.
The Password should contain a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 14 characters.
Your new password should not be the same as any of your previous 3 password(s)
What are the good practices for creating a password?
You are requested to choose a password that is not a dictionary word and not guessable from your personal information known to others such names in the family, vehicle numbers etc. You should change your password frequently. Please try to remember the password and do not write it down or paste it somewhere. Do not tell your password to anybody even if they claim to be from the Bank.
What happens if I forget my login password?
What happens if I forget my User Id for Internet Banking?
What happens if I don't logout?
Please ensure to logout in the proper way. However, if you abruptly close your Internet Banking page, your session will end. Kindly do not leave your system in between during Internet Banking, as this will give opportunity to others around you to operate your accounts
I want to know more about Union Bank of India?
Please go to the About Us tab on the website
I want to know more about online banking ?
What can I do with Union eBanking ?