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Safe Deposit Locker facility is one of the value added services provided by the Bank to its customers. Bank provides specially designed lockers purchased from reputed manufactures which are kept at specially built strong rooms at branches for keeping the valuable of hirers.
Safe Deposit Locker facility is available at our various branches across India. Lockers of different sizes to suit the needs of customers are available.
Safe Deposit Locker facility can be availed by individuals – either singly or jointly, Partnership Firms, Companies, Associations and Clubs.
Safe Deposit Locker facility is available at our various branches across India. Lockers of different sizes to suit the needs of customers are available.
Rent for Safe Deposit Lockers is charged annually and rent is payable in advance. Locker hirers have option to pay 3 years rent in advance. Locker rent vary depending on location of branch i.e. rural/semi-urban/urban/metro and size of locker. For rent on various types of lockers please click here.

For more details please visit our nearest branch.